End of April, I lost my job. I'd tried to cut back on my hours of work time to spare myself of the sort of stress I've endured for ten years with the company, stress that has left me with a permanent heart condition. And when I wasn't as insanely productive as a result, my position came to an end.
I've applied for all sorts of jobs, had many interviews, but no takers. If I thought I had stress before, it was nothing in comparison to what I'm experiencing now. Thank god for the heart meds I'm on. We may lose the farm if I'm unable to find work, fast.
We lost one of the sheep to Leptospirosis on July 1, and another sheep contracted it and barely survived. She only survived because, once we had a confirmed diagnosis from Cornell on the first one we lost, I vaccinated the entire flock against Lepto and put them all on high dosages of antibiotics to try to prevent further cases.
LW was accepted by the pre-school. For the afternoon session. She's looking very much forward to going. I can only hope that her school experience is far better than mine. My parents jumped us around from school to school because of my brother's learning disabilities, and it wreaked havoc on me socially and academically.
The donkey that lives just down the road has made his early morning happy bray. Time for me to log off and do some chores while the rest of my family is still asleep.