31 August, 2010

I'm canning two quarts of tomatoes in their own juice this morning, as a test. Our crop of tomatoes is finally ripening and, as I mentioned previously, I want to provide my family with tomatoes off-season that are not canned in BPA-lined containers.

Thanks to the wonders of modern prescription pharmaceuticals, I'm canning without having a heart attack or a nervous breakdown! Home canning can be quite nervous making. I have to keep LW out of the kitchen for the duration of the process. I've kept the baby gate between the kitchen and the rest of the house in place for that very reason.

No word on the dairy co-op job. I suspect I didn't get it.

We're having a heat wave. I hate it exceedingly. And of course I'm canning in the middle of this miserable heat. I can't wait for autumn coolness to return.

I'm making a backpack for LW for preschool. The teacher requested that the kids have a backpack, so I decided to sew one. All the pieces are cut out, I just have to stitch it together. Friday there's an open house at the preschool, and then school begins after Labor Day for the preschoolers.


Sudi-Laura said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your little one! I cannot remember how many days she is apart from Isaac, but know she is 4! I hope she is enjoying Pre-School. It has been a life saver for Isaac ( and me).

How did your tomatoes come out? I have always been scared of canning, but love the end results.

The Grumpy Woodchuck said...

Her birthday was on the 29th. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Pre-school is okay. There are some kids with real problems in LW's class. Behavioral problems. It's an integrated class, so the bad comes with the good. Every week I debate with myself whether to withdraw LW, but I can't afford to send her anywhere else.

The first batch of tomatoes failed, but all the batches of stuff thereafter have been a success. I was scared at first, too, but you get over it after one or two canning sessions.