06 October, 2009

New arrival.

We have a new arrival at the farm. She arrived today. She's a lovely Border Leicester ewe named Snowdrop.

I add animals to our herd with extreme care. Not only do I have to make sure we can afford to feed a new animal, I have to make sure it will fit in with the group and be a benefit to us for the rest of its natural life. Animals who come here stay here for the duration.

LW is at my mother's house for an overnight stay. I feel so guilty for enjoying this rare time to myself. I know this sounds terrible, but I sometimes miss my pre-motherhood days very, very much. Sigh.

This weekend we're taking LW down to Look Park for rides on the train and time on the play equipment. I had so much wanted to take her there regularly this summer, but two+ months of rain nixed that plan.

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