01 October, 2009

Hello, October!

It's cool, cloudy, and colorful outside today! The trees out in the pastures and along our fencelines are in full color. Just waiting for the aspen grove to turn its traditional yellow, and then it will be official.

LW is now three years old. We had a lovely family pizza-and-cupcake party for her on the big day, and she was in her glory. Also, at Story Hour at the library, all the children sang Happy Birthday and she loved it. LW got some really swell presents, and she's enjoying all of them over and over and over.

The outdoor party we were going to hold has been canceled. Saturday is supposed to be a wash out, and that was the rain date. Rats. I've contacted the invitees with toddlers and we're going to schedule an impromptu giant outdoor playdate on the next non-rainy weekend day we can.

Our hay was finally delivered this week. Oh, the relief! It's good looking stuff, too. Really nice second cutting. Now I can face winter.

I'm facing impossible deadlines with my paying work. It's times like this I wish I could afford daycare for LW. It's so hard to get work done with her underfoot. Poor girl, she just wants someone to play with.

Tomorrow she has her annual physical exam. Flu shot for sure and the usual lead test because our house is so old (mid-1800s). I'm sure there are other booster shots, too, and I feel bad for her in advance. I have to get my own flu shot pronto.

Back to the grindstone. It's hard work!

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