17 January, 2010

Two months later...

There has, quite literally, been no time to post to my blog. I don't have time now, either, but I'm taking a few moments this morning to fling something, anything up here.

Thanksgiving was nice. Christmas was also nice. This was LW's 3rd Christmas and therefore a big, important one for her. We had a lot of fun involving her in holiday traditions, giving her her first long-term holiday memories.

After the holidays, everything came crashing down. Two weeks ago, my best guard llama went down, hard. It's taken two weeks of intensive medical treatments, force feedings every 2-3 hours day and night, and physical therapy to keep him alive. Two days ago we finally saw some improvement. I don't know if we'll be able to save him in the long term, but we're doing everything we can do to try. Other llama owners who have been through the same thing have been giving me life-saving information and advice, via the internet. One gal in particular with a herd in upstate NY has been my lifeline in all this. If the llama survives, I owe her something really, really nice as a thank-you. I love this llama dearly, he's been with us for 13 years since he was a 6-month-old weanling.

MW has had no incoming work from his clients for almost two months. There's nothing in the pipeline either, and we're both pretty scared. He's started a job search to find some sort of work locally. I don't care if he ends up flipping burgers, he's got to get a job. I don't make enough to support this family by myself.

Thus far, 2010 has been full of suck. I had high hopes that it would be a better year than 2009, but at this point, it's worse for us than last year.

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