24 July, 2009

I took two weeks off from my paying work, starting on 4 July. The time off flew, and I only accomplished 1/4 of the tasks on my personal To-Do list. But at least I got some things done well. And I treated myself to an afternoon nap several times. I love afternoon naps.

My vacation ended Monday morning, the beginning of this week. Back to the grindstone, and a huge pile of client work.

Little Woodchuck is growing mentally at an alarming rate, and lately she's been sassing me a little bit. I nip it in the bud immediately, that seems to get her back on an even keel swiftly, but I know she does need to develop her sense of self at this age and sassing seems to be part of that growing sense of autonomy. She's not my little baby any more, and I both miss that and rejoice in her new sense of self.

I was on the local television news recently and am proud to say that I didn't make an ass of myself at all. Go me!

12 July, 2009


I love this time of day in the summer.

The air is cool and sometimes dry, as it is tonight, the livestock are out on the pastures for one last feed before they head for the overnight safety of the barn and paddock, the clouds are tinted peach and salmon, Mister Woodchuck is quietly strumming a ukulele to help Little Woodchuck go to sleep.

The dishes are all washed, the laundry is folded and put away, the lights are off in the house and twilight deepens. Now the animals are heading for the barn and I must go close them in for the night.

11 July, 2009

Cute kit, but...

I bought a child's smock kit from The Textile Company recently. It was supposed to be a complete kit, was my understanding. Well, I've had to go back twice now to The Textile to get components that were not included.

Nevertheless, it is a very cute smock and it turned out beautifully. I also learned, while sewing the smock, that my Singer 4210 has serious problems. I contacted Singer support, and they're willing to send me a brand new machine in exchange for mine. Not too shabby. I've borrowed my mom's Singer Stylist 834--what a fantastic machine! Very well made and runs so smoothly.

Off to the Farmers' Market we go.