12 September, 2009

The Chimney Man is Here!

"The Chimney Man is here, Mommy!" quoth Little Woodchuck.

Yes, Jim the chimney mason arrived yesterday with scaffolding and bricks and tools. He managed to get the scaffolding set up before the downpour yesterday, and then showed up bright and early this morning to do the old chimney demolition. The top portion was so loose he just lifted off the bricks--yikes--but now he's smacking the middle portion and the house is shaking in an exciting way. LW is riveted to the window near the chimney, watching Jim work. This is huge excitement for a toddler, even one who is sick.

We've asked Jim to inset a ceramic tile with the image of a dragonfly on it about 6 feet up the chimney from the base. It should look nice and will add a tiny bit of whimsy to our shiny, new chimney. We like whimsy.

I've got a wracking cough now, and couldn't sleep last night lying down. I had to wedge myself upright on the couch with pillows to sleep at all. Reminded me of my bad old pregnancy days. Shiver. Those were very bad days. Last night I also had a pile of fever dreams that were very, very frightening. I sure was happy to wake up from those.

Today I have to set my paying work aside and clean the house. Shocking how dirty and messy everything gets when Mommy is sick for three days.

I can't wait to be over this flu.

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