26 September, 2009

Churning ahead.

This week was just so busy. It was a blur. Next week promises more of the same.

Today is MW's birthday. LW's birthday is early next week. I baked a cake for MW, which he liked mightily, and treated him and LW to lunch out at Manna House (Korean cuisine) after stopping at the Farmers' Market.

Everyone at the Market asked me why I wasn't at the Fiber Twist. I groaned and told them it was complicated. Which it very definitely is.

We have postponed LW's birthday party until next weekend. It was originally to be held tomorrow, but the forecast is for rain all day. Not good for an outdoor party! Hoping for better weather next weekend. Plus the delay will give me a little more time for preparations.

We and the livestock are all enjoying this colder turn in the weather. Feels so good! I am just no good when it's humid and hot out there.

The black walnut tree is dropping nuts all of a sudden. Now that the tree is mature, it's producing greater numbers of nuts each year. This year looks to be the best yet. Our apple orchard is a wash this year, though. All the apples are wormy. We're feeding all of them to the livestock, not enough are salvageable for apple sauce or baking. Rats.

I hope the rain doesn't knock down all the leaves that have started to turn color on the trees. I asked LW today what is her favorite season, she said "Autumn, because it's so nice and cool outside." That's my girl.

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