10 September, 2009


Well, we're all sick now. LW, MW, and me. MW is the least sick, so he's making a grocery run for sick supplies.

This is acting an awful lot like H1N1... My biggest worry is for LW, as she's just a toddler.

So the household is in strict quarantine. I'd like to personally dope-slap rather hard the mother who was at the Library on Tuesday, coughing all over the place. I believe she is the culprit.

We won't be going to the Fair, I think. I'll pick up my entries and ribbons if any on Monday. Sigh.

Just to make myself feel a little better, here's a picture we took of a Papilio polyxenes caterpillar we found near the house. Also known as Black Swallowtail butterfly. It was flaring its osmeterium at me in the image. That's a scent organ just behind the head. It smells awful! But that's the whole purpose.

I found the cat's pupa a couple days later. Can't wait to see the butterfly emerge!

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