20 March, 2010

The kind of excitement I don't really need.

So I'd been having an irregular heartbeat for a while.

A week ago Friday it got REALLY bad. Thursday night I dreamed that a dead man fell from the ceiling and landed on me, and I woke up with my heart thudding so hard and irregularly I thought I was having a heart attack right then and there. I got scared. I called the medical center first thing Friday morning. They told me to come in right away.

Had an EKG. On the spot. Right after they listened to my heart and it sounded like intermittent gunfire. I got to see the printout. It was pretty bad.

And now I'm on heart medication. Fortunately, it's a generic and not expensive. My mom is going to help me pay for last week's trip to the medical center and this week's follow-up trip, as I have a $4000 deductible on my health insurance.

It's been very scary, believe me. And now I'm in my 40s and on heart meds. Damnitalltohell.

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